Last time the experience was horrible despite loads of lube the thing got stuck and it made me bleed. I waited till I was actually bleeding to try again with the thing. This time, which I'm not sure I noticed last time, it wants to open really easily. When I insert it it's sitting down so low that the bottom of the cup is at the opening of my vagina. This means that all the stem hangs out. I think that it needs to sit higher, but not sure what I'm doing wrong. Once it pops open you cannot push it in any further. I do not want to cut the stem off until I'm absolutely sure where it needs to rest.
The best news is that I inserted the thing like five times and removed it, trying to reposition it, and I had no problems with it getting stuck! I'm so happy! The first time I thought, oh no! When it popped open before it was in all the way. But I then thought, don't panick, it won't be like the last time, and I broke the suction by pressing one side in with my finger and it came right out. I wish that I had waited till I was bleeding and had not done a dry run because that was horrible and I won't recommend a dry run to anyone! It's better to just wait till your flow is going and take a shower and try it.
So I don't know why this thing is not sitting higher in the vagina. I will try again later or tomorrow I think.