I just bought my DivaCup today, which the local co-op has in stock. I say yay to that, but boo to my first experiences with this product.
It is so painful, that all i could do was sit and cry. I gave up after 2 hours of trying....
Oh, it doesn't hurt to insert, it hurts once it is inserted. I can get it in, as per the written instructions in the package. I can't figure out if it is open or closed... since all i can tell is that it feels like i put a square peg into a round hole!
From what i can tell here, and other information i have researched, i should not be able to feel it. But i can. I don't know why.
It feels like it's scraping. Lube did not help. Warming it did not help. Jumping around, wiggling did not help.
I spent an hour standing, worried to sit down, when it pinched then felt like i had a rock in my vagina.
Of course, i thought i should keep it in for a bit, see if i "got used" to it. Well, it leaked all over the place. I did have a backup pad, but i have a very heavy flow and, well, suffice it to say, it took me another couple of hours to clean up the mess of blood and clots and tears.
What am i doing wrong? Is it not opening? Is it to low? Too high? Should i trim it and hope for the best? Am i too fat for this product and that is why it doesn't work for me?
I am so frustrated!!!! I do NOT want to wear tampons anymore... but i am back at them.