Well, I've been using the Divacup since Friday and I have had some leakage. Maybe my cup isn't completely circle? I turn it around for a while and it seems like it opened up... Anyways, I love it and I don't get that painful feeling I get when I wear a tampon for a long time.
I also wanted to let you lunapads or reusable pads wearer know that on the site etsy.com [my current favorite site to shop] there is a user that makes them. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=6803090 That is a listing for slightly defected pads but still 'made with love'. Just wanted to let you know.
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=6564085 Isn't that a really cute one? Just click on her shop for more pads! :)
BTW, any tips for seeing if the cup is open enough? I still get that slight leak that gets on my underwear and that is annoying... I feel around it and it feels circular and open but... yea...
oh yea, some funny undies...
Love your uterus! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=6680869
Day 3
My cup refuses to go in no matter what!
I am 16 and recently got a menstrual cup in size small (it is from the brand saalt, if that matters) and I’ve tried for like an hour today to get it…
Menstrual cup made me have strange discharge?
Before I get any weird looks, let me explain. So, for starters: I'm fourteen. I'm not sure if this is innappropriate to say here, but from a…
Re-inserting after stuck?
Hi all, I had a very eventful morning this morning and had to go to the doctors to remove my cup. My vagina is quite sore (understandably) but I…
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