jiebjibjib (jiebjibjib) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Dusty menstrual cup

Hi, I live in high rise condo where dust is everywhere. Although I rarely open the window, and clean my room daily, the dust still exist in every corner. I just used my first menstrual cup during the first week of April. After I finished using menstrual cup, I thoroughly washed it with soap, boiled it for 5 minutes, then stored it in cotton pouch so that it’s breathable. When I open the pouch to see if the dust get inside the pouch, I found out that my menstrual cup is full of dust, when I rub against the cup, the dust is still on there. I’m quite concerned about this dirty dust on my cup, and would like to know if it’s normal for the dust to stick on the cup. Will it be safe to use my cup on period again if I thoroughly clean it before use? Or is there any other way to store the cup dust-free? I would like to keep it in air-tight container if possible to prevent the dust, but I know that it will increase the chance of bacteria growth, so I really don’t know what to do.


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