sam_schwa (sam_schwa) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Suction question

I'm looking for some femmycycle users to answer a question for me.  First, background: I started out with the Diva cup size 1 and my first month with it was horrible.  One major problem was that it pulled on my cervix and hurt like crazy.  Once I enlarged the air holes it was much better.  I've been useing Ruby Cup and loving it, but my one issue is that because of my low cervix, I don't get the capacity I was hoping for.  I have some cash to spend thanks to the holidays, and I was thinking of trying out the Femmycycle (LC of course) to see if its design would solve my capacity issue or at least make emptying it at work easier.  From what I've read though, it sounds like I might need to be worried about the suction and that it might be the same or worse than my first month with the Diva cup.  So I would love to hear more about any experienecs using the femmycycle (any variety.)  Thanks!
Tags: buying decision, cervix position, femmycycle

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