The cup also hurts. It seems almost to be digging into one side of my vagina so that there is a constant pain. It seems to be a fairly rigid cup, although it is my first one so I don´t have others to compare it to.
I am about to buy a second cup. This will be a Chinese Aneer "Femmecup" as I am on a low budget right now, and need to buy two as I am normally based in Cuba where I have no access to buying any more for the next 6 months and am heading back there in a few days. (Also, I have just spent the money on 2 Mcups, which look as if I will end up discarding). I am wondering whether to look for a softer cup (the Aneer cup is supposed to be very soft, but this can also mean that it is hard to get it to open, apparently) and perhaps a larger one (although 4.5 cm seems generally the largest standard diameter, with only 4.6 seeming a larger option - UPDATE: I went and measured my Mcup as the box said 4.0 cm and the website 4.5 cm and when I complained they told me that the label on the box was incorrect, is only 4.0 cm - no wonder!!!) or perhaps a smaller diameter one so that it doesn´t hurt (OK; so now I know it´s not because of the diameter that it hurts!). Right now, I am just concerned that it could be a long search to find a suitable cup, with the discomfort, and the leakage and not knowing if I should have a bigger or smaller one. I feel quite despondant about menstrual cups. I thought it would be such a good solution for all the travelling I do and teh difficulties of Cuba, but I find myself longing to just use my tampons, even if I get organic ones shipped around the world!
Any input greatly appreciated.