hotpinkbeacon (hotpinkbeacon) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Help with seal and flattened cup

Hey, I've been a lurker for about two years now. I got a small classic meluna recently, and today is the second day I've had it in, first day on my period. I've done a dry run before. I don't have a very heavy flow, but it leaked after three hours. I realised that although the cup had formed a seal, it is sort of flattened when in. It feels like when you squeeze a water bottle and then cap it without letting go. I've gone through the tags and tried enlarging the holes, inserting it (diamond) fold facing down, and getting an air channel to it (doesn't help because I'm pretty sure it's sealed? Seems like it would help most though). I can't pop it open lower and then push it up, I have a relatively low cervix and popping it open lower would hurt my pubic bone. I can barely fit one finger there when it's in, and I can't get the finger in front of the cup again because of the pubic bone. Or maybe I'm not trying hard enough. I really want to love this cup! Please help me to fully "inflate" it?

Edit: When the cup is in, I'm able to slowly wiggle it down almost all the way. Does this mean it hasn't formed a seal?
Tags: first time use, leakage & spotting, meluna, popping open, seal & suction

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