denise (carpetfish) wrote in menstrual_cups,


For those of you who are considering new cups:
RubyCup is running an Indiegogo campaign this month to raise money for cups for schoolgirls in Kenya.
One of the founders is even wearing a bunch of menstrual cups as a hat for the entire duration of the campaign...

Link to the campaign:

I don't need any more cups but this is looking mighty tempting...I love the work they do! :)

Edited to add: They also have an option to just donate a cup and other perks like shirts and bags, worth a look even if you've already found your Goldilocks :)
Tags: activism, links, news, ruby cup, where to buy

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  • My cup refuses to go in no matter what!

    I am 16 and recently got a menstrual cup in size small (it is from the brand saalt, if that matters) and I’ve tried for like an hour today to get it…

  • Menstrual cup made me have strange discharge?

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