pipsmum (pipsmum) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Help appreciated with leaking Fleurcup!

Hi I posted a month ago re wanting to re-try cups - see this http://menstrual-cups.livejournal.com/3221081.html?view=35648089 (don't know if I've done it right - sorry!)

I'm having problems with the Fleurcup leaking. I take Warfarin which makes me bleed more and I think it's interacting with a new drug I've been put on which is making it worse so I'm losing a lot of blood. I don't know if I'm putting the cup in wrong as I keep getting some bright red blood come out when I go to change and when I bear down to push the cup down lots of blood comes out (sorry if TMI but also I'm also passing clots). Even before I change I leak some too and it's always bright red.

When I put the cup in I do it low, squeeze the base (I've cut the stem off) and bear down a bit and hear a sort of sucking noise but when I put my finger alongside it doesn't feel like it's expanded properly. My cervix is high again now and the cup rides up but I'm really not sure what's going on. Any tips for someone who should know better please?!!

ETA: Just had a shower about an hour after this post; did my bearing down and nothing came out at all, the cup was half full already so I'm hoping maybe it's just the fact my drugs are having an adverse affect. Popped my finger in to see where my cervix is and aimed the cup at the small of my back, squeezed the base and had a little wiggle so will see what happens!

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