offdayoff (offdayoff) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Insertion and removal of a mini MeLuna -- questions from a newbie

Hi everyone,

(Semi)long time lurker, first time poster here. I'd heard about menstrual cups from an LJ friend years ago, but didn't consider them for myself until a few months ago. The whole insertion process worried me (I tried tampons once, couldn't get it in, and gave up) because I have low tolerance for pain, so when I finally decided to take the plunge, I went for the softest and tiniest cup -- the soft mini S MeLuna (with a stem base). After many many tries, I finally managed to insert the cup -- somehow, it hurt more when I tried inserting from the front? More pinching! I ended up having to insert by reaching back around my hip, which is a really awkward position. Does anyone else insert this way? Also, I have no idea if/when it pops open because I can't really feel it anymore after it moves beyond the entrance. /o\

Anyway, the first time I managed to insert it, I removed it again within a few seconds, by tugging on the stem because I couldn't reach the base of the cup with more than one finger. The second time (different cycle), I left it in for 2-3 hours and again had to remove by tugging on the stem (and making my bathtub look like the scene of a bloody murder). I'm guessing it was sitting a bit low because the stem felt pokey at times.

The third time I tried it was yesterday, and everything seemed to go smoothly -- inserted on the second try! couldn't feel it at all! -- right up until I wanted to remove it. I spent more than ten minutes in the bathtub trying everything I could to get it out. I think the stem was tucked behind some flesh (labia?)? I could brush my finger against the base of the stem once I found where it was tucked, but there was no way I could grasp even the edge of the stem with both my thumb and forefinger (I attempted and there was a lot of pinching). I could touch the base of the cup with my forefinger after some manoeuvring and I tried pressing against it (I may have been pressing it agains the front walls given that I was still doing the awkward reach around my hip), but that didn't seem to break the seal at all. After a lot of squirming around and bearing down, I was able to get my thumb and forefinger to pinch the very end of the stem and tug the cup out.

I'm thinking of purchasing a soft M MeLuna since it's not much wider than the mini S (given how much trouble I had with insertion, I'm not sure if I would like anything much wider), and it's 8mm longer, so it might be easier to reach? Are most of you guys able to reach the base of your cup with your thumb and forefinger (i.e. is my cup too short for me)? Is the base of the cup supposed to sit near the entrance of the vagina (and the ball/ring/stem tucked in the labia?)? I've seen a lot of advice to keep trying with the cup you have until you've mastered the insertion/removal process, but I'm concerned about getting the cup "stuck" again.

I really hope I can find a cup that works for me! :> I was marvelling at how comfortable it was to use the cup last night (up until the point I wanted to take it out, lol) compared to using pads.

Oh! Also, how long are you supposed to boil the cup for? Can you just soak it in boiled water for a few minutes?
Tags: first time use, insertion, meluna - soft, removal - painful or problems, virginity

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