skazka (samgrass) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Rainbowcup brand and soft-cup suggestions

Hi, all! I haven't been on this comm in a while because I haven't had the opportunity to use a cup, but I'd like your input on something. Has anyone used the Rainbowcup before or are they familiar with it? They're listed on Amazon with a handful of good reviews, but I've never heard the name around before and haven't seen a tag for it here. It looks like they're silicone with a two-size system (size 1 for those under-25/haven't given birth and 2 for those over 25 or who have) and some colors, nothing super novel.

As a sort of second question -- my last cup was a DivaCup in the smaller size; does anybody have a suggestion for a cup that size that's significantly softer? Colors a plus. I remember a spreadsheet contrasting different softnesses/sizes from a while ago but can't find it!

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