One of the main reasons I bought one was the length of time you could wear it and by extension that you could wear it overnight. Tampons are fine with me; they don't dry me out and my only issues with them is TSS and how you can only wear them 8 hours. For reference, on my heaviest days the minimum time I could keep a tampon in is 6 hours, usually up to 7-8. I assumed that due to the bigger capacity I'd be able to leave the cup in longer, up to twelve hours and have never considered myself to have a heavy flow. I've had to empty my cup much more frequently for some reason and I feel unclean compared to tampons. It was so painful and impractical I have put a tampon in and the cramps went.
When taking it out, it hurts and when I squeeze it to try and break the seal all the blood will come out if its fairly full.
Any suggestions to make it easier/stop the pain?
I'm fourteen by the way :)