Kirsten (kirla) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Need Help Selecting First Cup

Hi everyone! I just found this forum today and have spent hours reading through posts-- I love the sense of community and helpfulness here! I hope you all might be some help to me as I'm choosing a cup.

I have never used a cup before. This will be my very first experience, so while I am looking through other users' posts about their experiences with certain brands, it seems that these tend to be posted after a buying decision has been made.

Things that might be helpful to know:

  • I am 26, not a virgin, and have never given birth

  • My regular cycle tends to last about 5-6 days, 3 of which are heavy, 2 medium, and sometimes 1 with spotting

  • My cervix sits quite high during my period

  • I have used tampons since I was 14, so insertion is nothing new

All of this said, I have some preferential information as well-- obviously the lower the price the better, but not at the cost of poor quality, and... aesthetically, I suppose it would be nice to have a colored cup.

I've looked at the Diva Cup, Lunette, Mooncup, Fleurcup, and Meluna. But being so "newbish" to all of this, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I'm assuming I'm just going to have to test the waters, so to speak, but I'd love some guidance if possible :)
Tags: brand comparisons, buying decisions, first time use

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