spidersloveme (spidersloveme) wrote in menstrual_cups,

I got my new large green fleurcup today!

My period is due anytime now and I'm itching to try out my new fleurcup and cloth pads! I've used the divacup for a while now but I needed something with more capacity. I tried a large lunette but it was a bit too stiff and the shortness along with the pointed cone bottom made it harder to remove. I debated between the large yuuki and the fleurcup and decided on the fleurcup because it is softer (right after I bought it yuuki brought their soft cup back!! GAH!). The fleurcup is rated a 2 for softness and the divacup a 4, but the fleur honestly feels a tad stiffer to me. It's definatly softer than the lunette. I've only felt the diva, lunette, and fleur, but if the diva is a 4 and the lunette an 8, I would rate the fleurcup a solid 6. Or maybe my diva has softened with use, I don't know. Oddly, the stem doesn't bother me. It's the same length and type as the lunette, but the stem on the lunette drove me nuts and I cut it off. I don't even feel the stem on the fleurcup.
I have a small Mooncup USA arriving any day now and I will post some pics and give my experience with the mooncup!

EDIT: About the fleurcup stiffness, I think I found the problem. Although the fleurcup is easier to squish, it springs back MUCH more forcefully than my divacup, leading to my "rating" as a 6 and the diva a 4. After close inspection I think I figured out why. The silicone on the fleurcup is stiffer, but is thinner than the diva. This explains why it compresses easier but springs back stronger. The silicone is softer on the divacup but is thicker. It is harder to compress, but doesn't return its shape as quickly. Anyone else have both a divacup and fleurcup that can try to confirm/ disprove my theory?
Tags: divacup, fleurcup

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