melissa569 (melissa569) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Updates - RubyCup, LilyCup, FemmyCycle

Ok everyone, I finally got the reviews for RubyCup, LilyCup and FemmyCycle written and up, photos included.  I just wrote about what it was like to use them the first time, my thoughts and opinions on them, etc.  Gosh I have just been running around a lot lately, but I wanted to get these up because people have been asking on YouTube and on the blog, lol.   Especially RubyCup!

The reviews are here, just check the column of links on the right side of the page.  I also updated my "measurement chart" with the squishiness ratings below it, to include these brands and a few others I needed to catch up on:

And the videos are here (I was pretty late getting the RubyCup video posted, sorry about that, lol ):

Also, I did an experiment with one of my FemmyCycles by adding my own tiny air holes under the ridge.  I did get most of it to pop open (no leaks, the cup still had lots of suction and a good seal).  But then I was informed by Dr. Alfred Shihata that FemmyCycle was specifically designed NOT to have to open all the way, in order to do its job.  But the softer middle and bottom just stay formed to your shape.  And it did work even before the air hole experiment.  I suppose I did that out of curiosity.  But this is good to know :)

Tags: femmycycle, lilycup, ruby cup

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