sparklemooo (sparklemooo) wrote in menstrual_cups,

woohoo my new cups are on the way!

I placed my order in the weekend - I ordered
* a new Sport Cup in Small with a Ball Stem in the only colour.
* a Classic Cup in Small with a regular Stem (I find they disappear up 'there' and are hard to get a hold of!) Hoping the stem makes it easier to grab!!
* the Meluna Special Cool Lemon set in Small and Medium with a Ring Stem. I'm not sure about the Soft cup but wanted to try it.. and I like the look of the sterilising cup too!
I also sent and email asking if they still did samples with their orders - they replied and said they did offer samples so hopefully there will be one for my sister to try :)
Will post pics and reviews when they get here - they are coming to New Zealand so hoping they don't take too long to arrive.. :)

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