rogueninja47 (rogueninja47) wrote in menstrual_cups,

My first cycle...

So, I bought a diva cup on a whim. I've been using cloth pads for about a year and decided I wanted to try this out. I'm essentially done with my period and wanted to compare my experience with other people, and of course ask some questions.
Firstly, the good stuff: I had basically no learning curve for getting in, out, and sealed. It was weird the first time but I adjusted fast. I had zero leaks despite my intense paranoia for the first day. Also, I had pretty much no cramps. I'm not sure I can convey how wonderful that was. I am a person who usually has to avoid making plans for the first two days of my periods because my cramps are so severe. I feel like even with the issues I had I would continue using it just for that reason. Of course, my period was a little off because I just came home from college, and finals week usually alters my cycle a bit, but still... it was pretty impressive.
BUT: I have a couple issues/ questions about it. Firstly, my vagina basically eats the cup. I insert it so that the tip is sticking out, and later it will be way up there. This makes it a little labor intensive to remove. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this, or if it's normal? I did research before and while I was using it and I got the impression that this typically doesn't happen.
Also, all was fine and dandy, but the fourth day of my period, I was sore. Like really sore. I'm a virgin, and also, I'm using the cup a lot like a tampon in that unless I'm sleeping I'm removing and cleaning it every five-six hours or so. I don't know if either of those things would make a major difference. I really want to be able to wear it for the whole five days, but by midday today I was getting pretty sore, and by evening I just decided to give the thing a rest. Did this happen to anyone else the first time they used it?
Other than these two things, I loved the product, it was almost like not even having my period because it worked so well.
Tags: divacup, first time use, virginity

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