rockerchick8100 (rockerchick8100) wrote in menstrual_cups,

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Ok so I just ordered a small ladycup, it will be my first time using a menstrual cup. I decided to get one because I will be going on a vacation in April and realized that it happens to fall on the same week I am due to get my period...:( We will be at an ocean side resort so I am really looking forward to swimming. I have read that some people have had issues with their cup filling up with water and leaking because of it. As I am new to this and don't have much time to get used to the cup before the vacation I am completely terrified! Is there anyone who could give me advice and/or encouragement on this topic? I would hate to leak in front of a bunch of strangers let alone my family but at the same time I don't want to be excluded from fun activities... Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance:)
Tags: sports/physical activities

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