liljaneliberty (liljaneliberty) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Hurts to get in,

Remember me everyone? I hope so cause once more I need help.

So it's been a month now since the last I've been here, my period once more started well about a couple of day's ago which I think it earlier then usual. Anyway I had MEANT to do some dry runs with my cup and never got around to it tell this cycle started. But anyway it's started and I'm trying to put my new Lunette Selene cup in...problem is...I cant, for the life of me get it in, it just flat out hurts. And if I can get it in, I can only get it in so far. I realize it takes practice but it is slightly frustrating, and I'm already not in a very happy mood so this hasn't really helped me. I'm wondering if I should just give up and wait tell this cycle is over and try a few dry runs?
Tags: first time use, insertion - painful or problems, teething troubles

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