sarahlynn27 (sarahlynn27) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Thank you!

I've had my period for 3 days now and have been using my green lady cup, and I have to say for the first time in a long time... I don't totally and indisputably hate my period. Might be TMI but I love how much better my vag feels because is actually has some lubrication, and it isn't getting ripped up by lovely tampons. Insertion took maybe 2 tries on a dry run, and worked like a charm on my period, and I've not had any major leaks, although I'm really sad I'm going to have to use tampons for a month or so after I get my IUD because I don't want to knock it out of place! I've also recommended my "adoptive mom" get a cup, and she's all for it. She absolutely loves the Idea of going green, saving money and not having all kinds of dry vagina issues, and we've been talking about it every day of my cycle so far. I'm going to order her one for Christmas :) Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone here, you've all been incredibly helpful, and were so completely right. I never want to go back!
Tags: coloured lady cups, first time use, insertion, iud, lady cup

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