tam631 (tam631) wrote in menstrual_cups,

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So, I've been lurking for a few months trying to get up the courage to try this whole cup concept. Well this is my 1st cycle with my Diva cup (large) and I am LOVING it!! No major leaks.. only minor learning curve ones. And I have NO crampiness from tampons!! Yay! I used to get that so badly that I could not stand, and my thighs were sore for 7 days... this is SO much better. And for my heavy days it's just a 3 - 4 time change, I have NOT leaked over night - though I am not brave enough to go pad-less yet. Maybe next month. ;)

I would not have made this decision without reading all the great testimonies and helps you all have on here... thank you for helping me make this switch, I will be telling all my friends about this now. :D

I am still considering getting a Meluna cup... but am unsure about it's softness. This Diva I have now takes some tweeking to get it to pop open, would that be harder with a meluna?

I bought my diva here:
Use this Code for $5 off  -  ZIV026 .

Thank you again!!
A Sincere convert,
Tags: divacup, first time use, heavy blood flow, leakage & spotting, meluna, popping open, where to buy

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