smark94 (smark94) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Goal Achieved!

Hello everybody!

The last time I posted here was two years ago! Wow that's a long time...anyways, when I last posted I had just recently gotten my cup and to be honest, I didn't like it at all. I had lots of trouble with it at the beginning (insertion, removal, suction, etc...). I HATED my period and I have a heavy flow so I was too scared to go to school with it all day ( 9 hour school days...thank you extracurricular activities...). So for a good couple of months it sat underneath my bathroom sink untouched. Then I really didn't want it to become a total waste of money so I began to use it again. Then as time went by I started using it on weekends, at night, during little outings and then on weekdays (but not at school yet). During this past summer, I used my cup for my whole period( by this time, I had quite the stash of cloth pads and liners.) Then finally, school started and the 9 hours days were back and last month was the first time I had gone to school without using disposable liners, tampons, or pads even once! I felt so liberated, not having to go to the bathroom between classes and at lunch, feeling gross(with pads) or feeling the tampons sliding out ( nasty).
I feel like I've accomplished a personal goal and I feel better about myself that I'm doing something for the environment! Even though, yes it did take two years to accomplish, I definitely feel more in tune with my body. I am 16 and I LOVE CUPS :D! 

Tags: age, divacup, success stories

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  • My cup refuses to go in no matter what!

    I am 16 and recently got a menstrual cup in size small (it is from the brand saalt, if that matters) and I’ve tried for like an hour today to get it…

  • Menstrual cup made me have strange discharge?

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  • Re-inserting after stuck?

    Hi all, I had a very eventful morning this morning and had to go to the doctors to remove my cup. My vagina is quite sore (understandably) but I…