miacup_support (miacup_support) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Ideas for a new trial colour for Miacup

Poll #1621253 Ideas for a new colour Miacup

What colour menstrual cup would you like to see from Miacup?

Hi Ladies,

I have just recently taken over at Miacup and have thought about some exciting new additions.
We are looking at adding a new colour and thought it best to ask the experts, yourselves, since you are using and buying menstrual cups.
They are personal and we would like to either come out with a totally new colour that is not yet on the market or a popular colour.
Your input is appreciated.

Warm regards
Miacup MD
Tags: miacup

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  • Leaking/cup recommendation?

    Hi, I’ve been using a keeper moon cup off and on for years but always gave up because of leakage. My cervix seems medium-high, I’m 40 and have had…

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