censoredsoul (censoredsoul) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Decisions, decisions.

 Hi, I just discovered the world of menstrual cups and I'm considering buying one. After a whole lot of research, I'm leaning towards a small Ladycup, though I'm also considering a small Lunette. There are a few things I'm concerned about though. I'm on my period now, so I checked to find my cervix and succeeded in that, but I'm not sure whether it's high or low, therefore I'm not really sure whether I need a longer cup or a shorter one. Also, I'm kinda interested in one of the colored ones, but I read that the dyes used to make the silicone colored aren't good for you.

To be honest, I'm mostly just afraid I'll get one that doesn't work for me, because I'm pretty short on money and can't afford to buy several before I get the right one. Not to mention I don't really have the patience for that. Thank you all so much for amassing all this information in one spot to help me decide.
Tags: brand comparisons, lady cup, lunette

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