To be honest, I'm mostly just afraid I'll get one that doesn't work for me, because I'm pretty short on money and can't afford to buy several before I get the right one. Not to mention I don't really have the patience for that. Thank you all so much for amassing all this information in one spot to help me decide.
Decisions, decisions.
To be honest, I'm mostly just afraid I'll get one that doesn't work for me, because I'm pretty short on money and can't afford to buy several before I get the right one. Not to mention I don't really have the patience for that. Thank you all so much for amassing all this information in one spot to help me decide.
Looking for a new cup
Hi everyone! I've been using the DivaCup for about 3 years now and am starting to look into getting a new cup. The DivaCup has worked OK for the past…
Diva take 2
Interesting revelation about the “blasted” diva cup and I see many new posts about the same concerns about getting it out so maybe this will help. I…
My bits have changed and I need help
Hey folks - New to LJ; new to this community, but have nosed around for info (however, LJ " Advanced Search" seems to yield only "Error 503"…
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Looking for a new cup
Hi everyone! I've been using the DivaCup for about 3 years now and am starting to look into getting a new cup. The DivaCup has worked OK for the past…
Diva take 2
Interesting revelation about the “blasted” diva cup and I see many new posts about the same concerns about getting it out so maybe this will help. I…
My bits have changed and I need help
Hey folks - New to LJ; new to this community, but have nosed around for info (however, LJ " Advanced Search" seems to yield only "Error 503"…