hellokristi37 (hellokristi37) wrote in menstrual_cups,

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first leak-free cycle!

I've been silently watching this community for a while now and I'd just like to thank EVERYONE on here! I got my first cup, a large diva, 3 months ago. I stumbled upon it at my local co-op and was intrigued so i stood there and googled it before I bought it, then was promptly excited for my next period! Excited?!?! Wow! Well, thanks to all of the delightful women on here, I feel my learning curve was less steep so my whole experience was less discouraging right off the bat. sure, I had some leaks and a couple of cervical misses if you will, but thanks to all the posts on here, and Melissa's AMAZING you tube videos, I have just completed my first leak-free cycle! I'm still wearing my homemade cloth pantyliners to take care of that little bit of residue. I'm so ecstatic that I am now completely independent from disposable feminine hygiene products and most of the discomfort that formerly surrounded my period !! Thanks to everyone! xoxo
Tags: success stories

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