I had no trouble inserting the cup or getting it to open, and I heard/felt a little suction when it opened. It was pretty comfortable to wear, though I could feel it a bit more than a tampon. The entire stem fit inside my vagina, so I guess I'm fairly long.
I was able to reach inside, pinch the cup between my finger and thumb, and remove it without much trouble. I did feel a bit of suction/discomfort during removal, so I wonder if I didn't completely break the seal, or if the seal re-formed after I pinched the cup. I sort of grabbed it in the middle, so in the future I will try to reach all the way to the rim and make sure the seal is completely broken before I pull it out.
I noticed a spot of blood on the cup when I took it out. I'm not too concerned, as my period is coming soon, and my gynecologist has commented that my cervix bleeds easily. I also sometimes bleed after sex. But, since removing the cup (about 1/2 hour) I've been feeling moderate cramps. I don't usually get significant menstrual cramps, so this is worse than anything that I feel during my normal period, though the pain is bearable. I'm worried that I may have hurt myself during removal. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice on how to deal with this problem? Using the cup itself was easy, but I don't think I can make the switch if these cramps continue...!