Skunk (skunk) wrote in menstrual_cups,

New to cups.. some questions.

Hi all.. I'm new to cups - I've been using my divacup for the past two cycles and i love the whole concept. I haven't had any issues with leaking, and I'm fairly positive I'm inserting it correctly with the punchdown fold. However, I am having some issues and I wanted to get some input if perhaps another cup wouldnt be a better choice.

I use the size 1 divacup.. and I guess I feel like its just entirely too big? I trimmed the stem off entirely and I'm not having issues with -length- per se, but I still just feel like the entire cup is too wide for me -- i feel a very uncomfortable soreness/stretch when I use it. I can't actually feel the cup so I'm fairly positive its positioned correctly, and I dont have any issues inserting it... but I can feel the irritation and soreness when the cup opens up, kind of similar to the feeling after sex with a new partner who may have been larger than im used to.

It isnt terrible, but it does persist as long as the cup is in - it begins once its inserted and opened up, and the soreness stays for a bit after removal. I feel alot of additional cramping im not used to when its inserted as well. It beats the hell out of the irritation I experienced from using tampons (I'm majorly sensitive to the bleaching agents used in most, and they just made me feel straight up raw.. ick).... but still! I'm 25 and far from a virgin, though I haven't had sex in about 8 months. -twitch- Like I said, there are no length issues - my vagina is rather deep actually - its quite difficult/near impossible to reach my cervix with my finger. Its simply a width issue.

Am I doing something wrong here, insertion-wise? Is this just the wrong cup for me? Is there a better alternative to the small divacup that I can get here in the US? thanks in advance :)
Tags: brand comparisons, buying decisions, chafing/irritation, cramps, divacup, first time use, insertion - painful or problems, removal - painful or problems, sizes/size issues

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