any advice??
ok so now I can get it in...but not far enough???
Im a 20 year old virgin who is using a mooncup uk size B which is the smaller one. my issue is that the stem is bugging me despite the fact that I've…
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to cups, just started using my Mooncup this cycle. After a few teething problems it's working really well for me with no…
This is my second cycle using the mooncup. My first cycle I used it on my lighter days to get used to it and this cycle used it right from the start…
Im a 20 year old virgin who is using a mooncup uk size B which is the smaller one. my issue is that the stem is bugging me despite the fact that I've…
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to cups, just started using my Mooncup this cycle. After a few teething problems it's working really well for me with no…
This is my second cycle using the mooncup. My first cycle I used it on my lighter days to get used to it and this cycle used it right from the start…