xlua_negrax (xlua_negrax) wrote in menstrual_cups,

I'm soooo pissed at this

Hello, Ladies!

So, i found this video on youtube where a so called doctor informs women about the connection between menstrual cups and endometriosis. I almost bursted out laughing because tampons cause Toxic Shock Syndrome for a fact and they are still being sold worldwide. This is a deadly diasease while endometriosis isn't. But suggesting that a woman's period can travel backwards because of the cup is just silly. Looks like the big industry is feeling threatned...

I can't post the video, dunno why, so here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuATeOXsjv8
Tags: activism

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  • My cup refuses to go in no matter what!

    I am 16 and recently got a menstrual cup in size small (it is from the brand saalt, if that matters) and I’ve tried for like an hour today to get it…

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