What was your first experience hearing about menstrual cups and what was your initial reaction?
What made you decide to try them instead of scorn them?
I had a friend in high school who told me about the keeper and how she wanted to get one. I was shocked but a little interested. I thought it sounded like a neat hippy thing and would be so good for the environment, but there was also a part of me that thought it was a bit gross.
I found the Instead cups and fell in love with them, even though I found they leaked easily (especially if I laughed) so I always wore pads with them anyway. I kept thinking, what's the point of wearing an instead if I'm wearing a pad anyway!? (I've never been able to wear tampons.)
A few years ago my mom got a free DivaCup (she's a manager at a grocery store and it was a free sample from a health seminar she was attending). I was surprised she was so interested in using it since my mom has ALWAYS been a tampon kinda gal.
I think she used it a couple of times but hasn't used it recently, which is too bad.
When I was shopping at my local health food store, I noticed they sell divacups and had been eye-balling it for a while. Finally I decided to get one.
I got to use it for one cycle before I became pregnant, but there's a small part of me that can't wait until I start having regular periods again so I can use it again.
I did notice that it causes a little cramping/bloating that I would otherwise not have, but in the long run I think it's well worth it. I'm also encouraging my mother to use it again because it really is an amazing device!
I also just ordered cloth pads, which I am super excited about. I really think that women the world over should get themselves set up with a cup because it just makes so much more sense!
What has your experience been with the cup? What were your pitfalls/successes with it and why would you recommend it to your friends/families/strangers?
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