aries4170 (aries4170) wrote in menstrual_cups,


I think I got my period sometime last night but I didn't start feeling crampy until early this afternoon so I checked my diva cup (which I had in place because I was expecting my cycle to start at any minute) and lo and behold, it was about 3/4 full! I was so excited I wanted to take a picture lol! My first and second days are the my heaviest but I'm not sure exactly how long it took to get that full so I'll have to time it the next time I empty. I must admit, I didn't think I would be so successful so soon! I did a few "dry runs" about a week to try different folds, practice removal, etc. and I'm SOOOOOO glad I did! Just one question: I don't know if it's because my cup was so full, or if I did something funky in removing it, or just because I'm new to this, but when I broke the seal a stream of blood flowed over my hand. Does this happen every time? I'm gonna see how things go for the rest of this cycle and if all is well, I will be on a mission to convert as many people as I can, lol. Thanks to everyone who is a part of this comunity :-)
Tags: removal

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