joni_67 (joni_67) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Hemorrhoid Problems

Hello All,
I've been lurking on this site and happily using my Diva cup for one year.  This is my first post.  I love the Diva cup and would hate to have to live without it.  One week after my July cycle my internal hemorrhoid flared up in a major way.  I began thinking it was due to bearing down to remove the cup during my cycle.  Like I said I've been using the cup for one year and have never had problems with the hemorrhoids during this time.  Other than the cup I had a  VERY stressful two weeks at work and I had acupuncture for the first time to control cramps and heavy flow.  What do you think cup users am I doing something wrong when removing the cup or do you think the hemorrhoid flared due to other issues (stress, acupuncture)?  BTW my BMs are like clock work and my diet is good.  Thanks for any light you can shed on my situation.

Tags: health risks

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