[Post 1: My Night With a Diva]
[Post 2: Her Cup Doth Overflowed]
[Post 3: The Diva and I]
[Post 4: My Day As a Diva]
[Post 5: Afterthoughts]
Warnings: I curse a lot and somewhere around Post 3 or 4 I catch a bad case of Smug.
There's no point in putting a TMI warning on a menstrual cup forum, because just short of drinking it I'm sure there isn't much anyone could post here that people would be too squicked to read about.
The majority of my friends and the women who read my journal had never heard of cups and I was quite pleasantly surprised when a number of them messaged, emailed, texted, or commented to me their interest in giving it a try because of my generally positive experience with it. A few of them had questions that I couldn't answer, so feel free to respond to their questions as I'm sure many of them are far too shy to post them here.
Anyway, I'd like to thank this community for providing enough thorough information to convince me to give menstrual cups a try and convert me.