Lauren Tarbutton (maskeduni) wrote in menstrual_cups,
Lauren Tarbutton

Bought A Fleurcup! (Or so I thought)

Well, after months of contemplating buying a menstrual cup at all, I finally bought myself a fleurcup. The last comments about this brand that I read said that it wasn't available to the US yet.  I guess it must be now, since it let me buy one. I'll give my observations and experiences with it once it arrives, though they won't be very good since I'm a first-timer.  -.-'

Anybody else have a fleurcup? What do you think of it?

Edit: Yeah, you'll figure this out if you go through the comments, but my order was canceled as they do not yet ship fluercups to the US.
Tags: fleurcup

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  • My cup refuses to go in no matter what!

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