Tampons are evil. >=(
Anyways, hopefully, with the Diva Cup, I can finally have that "Happy Period" Always was...always talking about.
I think sucess rate is higher for those girls who aren't afraid of exploring their vaginas. You just have to get over the fact that you're touching an area that you were told as child not to touch. I haven't told my mom I'm using the Diva Cup. She's real old-fashioned pad user (yuck!). She was all =O when she realized I started using tampons. Imagine this now. Lol!
Anyways, any feedback on the leaking will be greatly appreciated.
*Update*: No luck with the Diva Cup yet. Leaking like a mofo. I'm extremely frustrated. =(
*Update 2*: Well, I tried the DivaCup again, with still no luck. It still leaked even though the cup wasn't even 1/3 full. It's simply isn't sealing, I think, and I have no idea what to do to make it seal. I've tried everything. My period is over (thank God! xD), but I'm def going to try again next month. I'll probably do some dry runs before then as well. Thanks to everyone for your comments!