iko425 (iko425) wrote in menstrual_cups,

first time use

So I just started using my Ladycup yesterday and so far it's going great! It took a little while to get used to inserting it, but I found the 7 fold to be much easier than the C fold. I am still getting used to removal and having some difficulty keeping it folded while removing it, but now it only take a few minutes to get out rather than 15 or so...any other tips for keeping it folding/ removal in general?

I'm so glad I decided to try a cup out because I feel so much cleaner and it's a lot less smelly than pads. I was worried at first because I've only ever used pads but so far haven't had major problems. I'm so glad that this community is here because it has answered, and I'm sure will continue to answer, lots of questions!
Tags: first time use, success stories

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