ilovekellymore (ilovekellymore) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Lunette Selene vs Coloured lady cup

I've decided I need a coloured cup but I'm entirely unsure which way to go. Does anyone have both a ladycup and a lunette? If so what are the differences? I've already got a lady cup and I love it but I sort of feel if I'm going to get another one (which is stupid in the first place, I know) I should get a different one. I find the Lady cup very difficult to grip on removal and perhaps the lunette would be easier.  Then again the coloured lady cups cost $58 (NZ) and theres a huge range of colours. I like orange =p. Lunette Selenes are $71 (NZ) plus postage from Great Britain at the cheapest price and they're only blue. If I was to go the lunette way I think I'd have to start the buying processes now seeing as theyre limited edition and my funds are ... limited, whereas with the ladycup I'd wait for my birthday money in April.. Thoughts?

Oooh ... I've also heard the Lunettes are prettier than the ladycups. Is this true?

Tags: brand comparisons, buying decisions, coloured lady cups, lunette

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  • Hoping this community is still extant...

    Long time lurker, first time poster, per the usual. I used a small Fleurcup for years until it became uncomfortable like it was too large (after I…

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