Have any of you ever added up how much blood is lost during your period? Do you consider your self to have a heavy flow?
I estimate that I lose about 180 mL per cycle and that seems like a ridiculous amount to me. Already within the first 24 hrs of this cycle I've lost roughly 90 mL.
ETA: I use the Large Lunette and I remove when it is at or slightly above the top line (15 mL). I leak a lot if it gets too full. Since 1PM yesterday (it's 8:20P now) I have emptied my cup 6 times when it was at or slightly above the top line and twice when it was at the bottom line.
Good point about fluid vs. blood. I don't get clots so I guess I've never thought about that aspect. I've always had heavy periods though so this really isn't unusual for me, it's just a little shocking to see actual numbers.