not affiliated (eureka_in_doubt) wrote in menstrual_cups,
not affiliated

Ladycup, dang. :D

Ok, so, I recently purchased a large Orange Cup by Lady Cup, after 10 years of using a Keeper and about 4 years of using a Diva (6 years Keeper only, 4 years Keeper backup and Diva primary, and now this).

My flow is generally really heavy, and with a smaller Keeper I have to empty every 2-3 hours, and with a smaller Diva I have to empty every 3-4 hours. I have 'waves' of flow, so it'll all be fine and then suddenly FOOSH, I'm full. I always leak at least a little, I figured it was just normal. If I'm not careful and religious about emptying, though, I leak really badly because a seal pops -- sometimes a full bladder is enough to break the seal on either.

That said, I'm really really shocked at how kickass my large Orange Cup is. I haven't leaked at all, and it seems to hold more than the small Diva. The airholes are huge, yes, but it has fantastic suction and seal. It's harder to pop open, because it's very soft silicone, but I find that a 7 fold or an Origami fold works very well. I tried all the folds, and most of them make it harder to open. (Not to mention, it's ridiculously comfortable)

Anyway, I promised someone in my last post here, I'd compare my Orange Cup experience with my Diva Cup experience, and then elsewhere I promised someone I'd do the same.

I've decided to compare all three, if I can. What sort of information is particularly useful in such a comparison? I want to try and write this up later this week.
Tags: brand comparisons, divacup, keeper, lady cup

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  • Hoping this community is still extant...

    Long time lurker, first time poster, per the usual. I used a small Fleurcup for years until it became uncomfortable like it was too large (after I…

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