Q: "Can I safely & reliably use a condom as contraceptive, while the INSTEAD® Softcup® in place?"
A: "Yes, you certainly can use Instead with a condom. Since the Cup has no sharp edges, it shouldn't increase risk of condom breakage. However, as you probably know, condoms do break or leak occasionally anyway.
If the vagina is excessively dry below the Cup, it would probably be prudent to use a lubricant to reduce potential friction. I'm pleased to hear you are using a condom when having intercourse during menses. Some couples dont realize the there is a risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, even during the menstrual period.
If you normally use a spermicidal insert (foam, cream, jelly, or film), I suggest you place it before inserting the Cup. If the insert goes in first and has a chance to dissolve and spread around, there shouldn't be any reason the Cup would decrease the effectiveness of the insert. However, if you use the contraceptive sponge, I would be concerned that the Cup would displace the sponge from the cervix (or vice versa). There really isn't enough room for both to be positioned properly.
Barbara North, PhD, MD
Medical Director, INSTEAD"
I have to admit that I'm not entirely sure why DR North addressed other forms of contraceptives, but I suppose extra info is better than not enough. :)