smitty_89 (smitty_89) wrote in menstrual_cups,

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New to DivaCup

Hi everyone!  I just wanted to say thanks so much for this great community.  I actually heard about it from one of the book club sites that I am a member of.  I just got my DivaCup in the mail on Monday and tried it out for the first time yesterday.  I was nervous about the placement and it seemed uncomfortable at first.  I had a very "full" feeling and felt like I had to go to the bathroom all day.  But, you cannot imagine my surprise when I did go to the bathroom and realized that I had no leakage!  That was such a great feeling and I already and feeling more free than ever! 

I decided not to empty my cup until I got home to be safe.  Well, the first attempt went pretty well.  I got the cup out with no spillage and I was so excited to see that the cup was working that when I looked closer at it, I spilled it!  lol

The night went great and I can't wait for a heavy day to try it out.  Of course, I would like my cloth pads to arrive so I can ditch my disposables right away!

Thanks so much for all the support and information that you provide.  I would not have made the switch without checking this website out.  The DivaCup for $15 didn't hurt either :)
Tags: divacup

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