catmccall (catmccall) wrote in menstrual_cups,

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Femmecup Review

First post here, be gentle ;-)

I haven't seen any reviews of the Femmecup yet, so I thought I'd jump in.

I started with a DivaCup and tried 3 cycles with it, but it became clear after reading here that it was just too long. I reviewed the very helpful stat post and found the shortest cup (at the time - I think there are more listed now) and ordered my Femmecup from England, since I couldn't find it for sale anywhere here in the States.

Delivery was *very* fast!

Overall, I'm totally happy with the Femmecup. The length is just right (I cut off the stem) and the thicker rim makes it pop open much easier for me than the Diva. My cycle is short and light, and I swear I'm down to only a day and a half of bleeding now. I like that the holes are large - easy to squeeze water through when suctioned to my palm.

If you find the Diva is just too long, try the Femme - you'll be glad you did!

Edited for location - duh!
Tags: brand comparisons, divacup, femmecup

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