Vital stats:
Manufactured in: South Africa
International shipping: Currently free
Price direct from seller: approx $50 USD (will vary with exchange rates)
Material: Silicone, pink/purple
Sizes: model 1, recommended for women under 30 or who have not given birth, model size 2, recommended for women over 30 or who have given birth
Rim: not very thick or tall (very like the Lunette's)
Holes: four, small (could be widened with a pin I'm sure)
Stem: flat, with grips
Branding: Miacup logo raised on inside of rim, no text
Obsessive measurements:
These are my own measurements. For the manufacturer's details, see their website.
Size 1 ('For women under 30 years of age who have also never given birth vaginally.')
Measuring lines: none
Vol until ridge: 20 ml
Vol until holes: 25 ml
Vol until rim: starts overflowing at 35 ml
Diameter: 4.4 cm
Height including stem: 7.2cm
Height of cup itself: 5.5cm
Size 2
I'm a complete idiot and didn't think to order both sizes. I'll ask them, measurements maybe coming later if they want to give me another. *facepalm* Sorry guys.
The packaging
Since it's noteworthy! They're clearly putting a lot of effort into this.
My order came in a white box, tied with string and a wax seal with their logo. And an invoice that looked like a greeting card.
The box contained:
- An 'Important - read first' slip of paper about how to clean the cup before first use
- Two 5% off vouchers for (ping me if you want the codes)
- A one page leaflet called 'What is it and why is it better' (a nice quick introduction if the recipient needs informing/persuading)
- A 30 page booklet with a detailed FAQ. I haven't read it thoroughly from beginning to end yet, but from what I've seen it's well written and informative, everything from how to insert to concerns about looseness. There are even some academic looking citations that I plan on chasing up because some look interesting.
Incidentally, they quote that ten thousand million tampons are disposed of yearly in the US alone (sanitary pads not included). Scary stuff eh!
Everything is printed in colour and on good quality, recycled paper. It's all very nicely done although I wonder how it'll compete with the higher price.
The box it came in
Box contents
All the paperwork ;)
The bag
Bag detail
Tadaaa the cup
The rim
The stem
The logo on the inside of the rim
And a couple more, just because I took them
So what do you guys think? :)
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