kaylene007 (kaylene007) wrote in menstrual_cups,

Diva Cup ~ trial and error

They say when one thing isn't working.. try something new, right?  So why is it that I am so sure that this is going to work for me?  I was planning a trip through the city a while ago... and I am so irregular with my cycle.. but still I wasn't expecting my period for at least 2 weeks.... 
Instead of going to the city.... buying my first Diva Cup, then waiting for my period (with lots of practice time between)  I drive 2 hours, and when I arrive I get up, and..... AHH!!!!! There it is stained on my light grey car's seat. As I race into London Drugs.. I flew to the feminine isle, where I scored the last diva cup on the shelf.. paid and scurried to the bathroom.  I was paniced to say the least.. I had the whole day ahead of my and I had already ruined a pair of pants.  In my rush of blood!! and addrenaline I got the diva cup, and stuck er in as sure as I was able to.... it sealed... and was great... 

Being that it was my 'first time' I thought not even 30 minutes later, to check it.. I had insterted the cup out of reach.  I could barely feel the stem.  I did everything, bared down, EVERYTHING!!! to the point I had nearly my whole fist inside.  Couldn't get it out.... but heck., it wasn't leaking so I left it there.  Through out my day I tried about 15 times at every store, gas station, and resturant to remove my cup and it wasn't budging.  I give up... and keep driving, as the city was only a stop on my trip.   

Finally I get to my aunts house, and I just said "I'm going to get brushed up for bed"  ... in actuallity I spent 20 minutes getting the cup out !!!  Once in the clear I examined it.. the cup had less than a centimiter worth of matter so I figured the worst is yet to come.  but I wasn't brave enough to endure that again.. I just bought a LARGE box of tampons and carried about my busy week...

I once tried to re-insert it, but it just wouldn't go UP.  I have no idea whats happening... its trial and error  (mostly error)
I am due soon here for another drop of uterine lining.. so maybe I will try again.....

Any success after stress?
Tags: teething troubles

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