ANOTHER problem (ack!) is that even if i can work it out painlessly until i get to the rim, i have trouble there. it doesn't seem to matter how gently i "rock" it out or how i try to fold it, it still hurts. a lot. inserting hurts a bit too, although not so much that it makes me want to give up. i know this is supposed to take practice, but i won't be able to stand it much longer if it keeps hurting like this.
any suggestions?
also, on another subject - everything i read seems to say two things: one, that you can keep the mooncup in overnight, and two, that you should empty it and clean it every 8 hours or so. but what if i want to sleep for more than 8 hours? (it happens!) from what i can tell, even though TSS has yet to be linked with menstrual cups, it's advisable to remove it at least every 8 hours just to be safe. so what kind of risk am i actually looking at if i leave it in 10 or 12 hours? is that a really bad idea?