I will just say that, for once, I am glad that I do not have a significant other. I very much prefer not having to explain exactly why I have a new faucet-shaped bruise on my ass...
I will just say that, for once, I am glad that I do not have a significant other. I very much prefer not having to explain exactly why I have a new faucet-shaped bruise on my ass...
HELP!! I can't get my menstrual cup to open
I am a 17 year old, active tampon user and i recently bought a 25ml menstrual cup. I have been practicing some dry runs before my period but ran…
Dry run trouble with the Meluna size M
Hello everyone, It's been a long time. I used to have a Fleurcup L. It was great for five years but I always had trouble with leaks on heavier days.…
First time User
So I bought a Diva cup researched folds to use and then tried practicing for a half hour. I checked with my finger to see if it was up all the way…
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HELP!! I can't get my menstrual cup to open
I am a 17 year old, active tampon user and i recently bought a 25ml menstrual cup. I have been practicing some dry runs before my period but ran…
Dry run trouble with the Meluna size M
Hello everyone, It's been a long time. I used to have a Fleurcup L. It was great for five years but I always had trouble with leaks on heavier days.…
First time User
So I bought a Diva cup researched folds to use and then tried practicing for a half hour. I checked with my finger to see if it was up all the way…