I tried to create a POLL but it wouldn't accept it. I think I need to be a paid subscriber to do so. If anyone would like to turn this into a real poll, go for it!
1. How old are you?
Teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or older?
2. How long have you been using cups?
Maybe, soon, 6 months or less, 6 months to 2 years, 2 years or longer?
3. If you have been using cups for more than a year, how long did it take to get the hang of them?
"I don't qualify," first cycle, 2-6 cycles, 7+ cycles or "I still don't trust mine fully?"
4. Did you have to change brands or sizes (Lg to Sm or Sm to Lg) to have greater success?
No, different brand and same size, same brand and different size, different brand and different size, or "I have more than one cup but they're equally good/bad?"
5. This is an international forum. What country are you from?
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