Frosty the Snowbitch (slightly_frayed) wrote in menstrual_cups,
Frosty the Snowbitch

Hey ladies!

Hellohello, everybody! My name is Laurie and I'm a 19 year-old Canadian. I've been lurking this community as well as cloth_pads for a little less than a month now (right after my last period - I was fed up). I have to say that I am SO glad to have found all of you!

I had heard before about menstrual cups and cloth pads, but I figured I'd just suffer through my periods until the summer started and I was home from school. I figured a looser financial situation might help me with getting prepared to change the way I deal with my period every month.

Cut to last month when I had the period from HELL. I have a minor allergy to whatever they use as a top layer on disposable pads (most brands - I've tried many) that results in what I can only really describe as diaper rash. I've also always had troubles with tampons (more on that later). After leaking and bleeding through almost every pair of pants I own, I'd had it. I called my Mom and asked for $40 to buy a DivaCup. She was supportive of my decision (she always is!), but I could tell she found the idea fairly strange.

I went to a local natural-living oriented store downtown that I knew stocked them and brought one home. I've done a few dry runs and of course, I've got a few questions! =)

- I've never been able to wear tampons for more than 2 or 3 hours, as they sit far too low in my vagina, and when I go to the bathroom they always shift even further downward. With my Diva, it's not nearly as bad, but I do notice that after going to the bathroom I have to sort of push it back again. Is there any harm in doing this if it causes me no pain?

- I know I can trim the stem on it, but should I wait until I've tried it during my period? I figure if the uterus descends, it wouldn't be a problem to snip it now. Am I correct in this assumption or should I just wait?

- Am I safe to try it overnight before my period actually comes? I would assume so, but I just want to be totally sure.

Thank you all so much if you managed to make it through all of my rambling. =)
Tags: divacup, stem length/trimming

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